I am (I'm) .............. I was You are (You're) ........ You were He is (He's)................ He was She is (She's) ............. She was It is (It's) .................... It was We are (We're).......... We were You are (You're) ......... You were They are (They're) ......... They were
New unit! Here you are the vocabulary of the unit:
¡Nuevo tema! Aquí tenéis el vocabulario de la unidad:
Here you are the grammar of the unit:
Aquí tenéis la gramática de la unidad:
. Go straight on: Sigue recto . Go past: Pasa por . Turn right: gira a la derecha . Turn left: gira a la izquierda . Traffic lights: semáforo . Zebra crossing: paso de cebra Preguntar y responder por una dirección: . How can I get to the bus station? . Go straight on, turn right at the zebra crossing. Go past the computer shop then turn right. It's on your left / opposite the shoe shop. Some videos about giving directions:
Algunos vídeos sobre cómo dar direcciones:
In this blog you can find different games about giving directions:
En este blog podéis encontrar algunos juegos sobre dar direcciones: